Business Ethics

Ani-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Training

In order to implement the Integrity Education of the Getac Group and enhance the promotion of the international anti-corruption trend, Getac has incorporated anti-corruption and human rights education into mandatory training for employees. A unified curriculum has been developed, covering topics such as the introduction to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, practical guidelines for corporate governance, employee code of ethics, significant information confidentiality and prohibition of insider trading, code of conduct for working with suppliers, and the system of rewards and penalties for reporting corruption and malpractice. Regarding labor rights, the training also includes the protection of employees' human rights, such as ensuring legal working hours and prohibiting forced labor, child labor, gender equality in the workplace, and preventing sexual harassment. The anti-corruption course follows a rolling training approach. Apart from being mandatory for new employees during their orientation, it is also conducted annually for all staff, serving as a reminder of the importance of human rights and the fight against corruption.

The anti-corruption course adopts rolling training. In addition to the new employees who are compulsory for study, all employees are targeted for retraining every year, for employees to bear in mind the importance of human rights and anti-corruption. In 2022, a total of 7,123 employees from Getac Holdings and its subsidiaries received anti-corruption and anti-money laundering education and training, achieving a completion rate of 89%. Please refer to the training details of each subsidiary. We did not find or receive any internal or external reports of unethical conducts by all operational sites in 2022.

Irregular Business Conduct Reporting Channel and Whistleblower System

To emphasize the company's commitment to human rights and due diligence, the "Guidelines Governing the Reporting of Corruption and Malpractices" were revised in 2022, expanding the scope of accepted reports to include customers, suppliers, business partners, and individuals engaged in business transactions with the company. The regulations also specify the confidentiality measures for the investigation process and provide protection mechanisms for whistleblowers. The company treats reported matters as sensitive and handles them with caution. For significant reports, the company may sign a unilateral confidentiality agreement with the whistleblower to ensure the confidentiality of their information. Upon conclusion of the investigation, a human rights due diligence form is provided to the whistleblower to confirm the protection of their rights and confidential information. Whistleblower reports, transcripts, or other related documents should be kept confidential and securely stored. Unauthorized disclosure is subject to disciplinary action according to the company's disciplinary policy. The company is responsible for safeguarding the safety of whistleblowers. Any threats, intimidation, or unlawful actions against whistleblowers should be strictly punished in accordance with the law. Getac Holdings has established a whistleblowing mailbox for individuals, both internal and external, to provide feedback or report violations of ethical and moral conduct. The system also accepts anonymous reports. The details of the whistleblowing mailbox are published on the Getac Holdings’ official website and included in procurement contracts. It is also promoted during anti-corruption and anti-money laundering training courses. Whistleblowers are eligible to receive a reward of NT$200,000 or 5% of the amount of loss as specified.

Irregular Business Conduct Reporting Contact
Head of Auditing Office